Hundreds of Beavers 2022 torrent
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The film's estimated budget was around $150,000

In this 19th century, supernatural winter epic, a drunken applejack salesman must go from zero to hero and become North America's greatest fur trapper by defeating hundreds of beavers.. Director Mike Cheslik estimated that the mascot costumes cost around $10,000, and the crew bought all of the costumes online.. After the Watson Beaver "faints," his mustache falls off & lands in the snow and stands back up. He is wearing it again in the very next scene despite walking away from it without picking it up.. Referenced in Film Junk Podcast: Episode 940: Immaculate (2024). Jean Kayak and His Acme ApplejackWritten and produced by Wayne TewsEngineered and Co-Produced by Karl Landwehr.

Now obviously humor is subjective but I personally found this one pretty funny

I'm glad I decided to go ahead and rent it as soon as it was available. The premise looked so interesting and a lot of people were saying it was the funniest film of the year. It's a well-made movie for everything it's got.I feel like labeling this movie as a once-in-a-lifetime movie, along the same lines as the LOTR trilogy, Boyhood, and Everything Everywhere All At Eleven, for instance. It must have been since Charlie Chaplin died that we've had a brilliant silent black-and-white movie like this one, and I'm not sure we'll see another. It's very rare to find something that can be both silly and hilarious, if that makes any sense. Just about every choice for this movie really does enhance the overall experience.

The editing isn't smooth but I think that helps add to the silliness of the premise

You can tell it's just an actor running in place for instance, and that's a good thing. The visual gags surprisingly never get old, combining all-too familiar visual gags with some brand new, more modern gags. It manages in a very good way of keeping a nostalgic and familiar feel while appealing to more modern audiences, and even the modern stuff I feel is going to take a very long time if at all to be outdated. There is character development and you cheer for the character to succeed, and there is spectacular setup and payoff for everything involved.A couple things held it back from being a 10/10. I feel like the beginning wasn't executed as well as the ending in terms of comedic value, but I will say that does make the movie better and better as it goes along, which many movies are unable to accomplish. There were a couple of messy camera shots that really just left me confused (I'm thinking of the wolf attack) and had me just wondering what happened instead of the clarity of the story from the majority of the shots.

That's insane

A couple of the editing choices were questionable during the final action sequence but were otherwise very fitting and expertly crafted. These are honestly pretty minor things and I may change my rating to a 10 later on. My ratings not going down from here I can tell you that.I have to say this movie is very impressive considering not many comedies these days can actually work at making you laugh. This is the highest rated comedy film that I can find on imdb after some Charlie Chaplin movies. And it has a reported budget of only $150,000???? We're talking ONE THOUSAND TIMES LESS money than a typical Hollywood big blockbuster movie.

And it's still a better movie than 90% of Hollywood movies today

Apparently they only had enough budget money to afford FIVE beaver suits to be used over and over again for this film. 100s of recommendations (see what I did there haha) for this movie; absolutely go check it out and support it.I didn't see a parent guide for this film so I thought I'd add one so parents can decide if they want their children watching it.